I'm excited to share our paper otut today in @JAMADerm from @bwhdermatology led by Caroline Nelson @YaleMed in collab w/@MishaRosenbach @PennMedicine, @KariWanat @MedicalCollege & @DrMeganNoe along w/ many others on #necrobioticxanthogranuloma #nxg https://t.co/nud1dB4VOO (1/4)
— Arash Mostaghimi (@AMostaghimi) January 15, 2020
Check out @aaron_drucker's thoughtful commentary on our recent article. Whether or not the word overuse is correct, despite the lack of objective data 4 cyclosporine in SJS/TEN there is premature acceptance/overexuberance 4 this potentially morbid tx. ⬆️studies are needed (1/2) https://t.co/HW1eUUfTd8
— Arash Mostaghimi (@AMostaghimi) October 24, 2019
Exciting day @ MA State House with @SenJoanLovely speaking in support of S.617, which seeks to mandate coverage of wigs for patients with #alopeciaareata. Please see my comments below. Many thanks to @AveryLaChanceMD for coordinating, & local @NAAF_org colleagues for joining! pic.twitter.com/Fn9AJ2Ybkp
— Arash Mostaghimi (@AMostaghimi) October 9, 2019
Check out this thread from @david_g_li highlighting our publication in @bmj_latest w/ @akesselheim examining trends in Medicare spending on @WHO essential medications. Over 20 meds⬆️in💰over 50x inflation! https://t.co/FGGQumqFg9 @BrighamResearch @PORTAL_Research @harvardmed https://t.co/4LpMUFFaJN
— Arash Mostaghimi (@AMostaghimi) July 18, 2019